Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Photos - Act 3

And they all lived happily ever after, after all...."You Can't Take It With You"!

Donald and Rheba discussing the previous night's arrest!

Alice can't take it and is leaving home heading "to the mountains someplace"

She just wants to be like normal families are.

Contrary to normal, the Grand Duchess Olga Katrina, of Russia, arrives.

She tells the family her life stories.

Mr. Kirby arrives to bring Tony home.

But Grandpa has a chat with him first.

Tony tells us he brought his parents here on the wrong night on purpose!

He wanted them to see a family that loved and understood each other.

Grandpa convinces everyone to stay and have dinner - he's wonderful!

And they all lived happily ever after...

Photos - Act 2

Nothing quite says chaos like Act 2 in You Can't Take It With You. From discus throwers, paintings, ballet dancing, darts, drunks and arrivals on the wrong night well, the Sycamores were only having a quite night at home! No, really....

Take one drunk actress.

Add an odd painting of Mr. De Pinna as the discus thrower (as painted by Penny)

One ballet session, Donald watching the painting, and Grandpa throwing darts

Mix with the arrivals of the Kirbys on the wrong night and...

Chaos ensues...but not for Grandpa, he's calm and collected!

Everything is calm again for a minute, until...

Gay Wellington wakes up!

And Mme. Kolenkhov decides to illustrate wrestling as a hobby for Mr. Kirby.

Penny saves the day with her game - Forget Me Not! (or does she?)

But, Alice decides it's not meant to be.

Then the J-Men arrive! Essie, "Ed what have you done"? Ed, "I haven't done anything!"

"Dynamite the Capital, Dynamite the Whitehouse, God is the State, the State is God!"

Fireworks and Explosions! Everybody is under arrest!

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Photos - Act 1 Scene 2

In Act 1 Scene 2 - Tony and Alice steal our hearts as they get engaged, but people just keep interrupting them!

Alice and Tony sharing a drink after their date.

Opps, interrupted by Penny, who's looking for her play manuscript.
Then Ed and Essie barge in and interrupt. 
Donald comes to get candy for Rheba.
Tony and Alice don't want any candy, Donald.
How can they ever make it work?
Tony can be quite convincing.

Especially with an engagement ring.
What did Alice like best about Tony at first? The back of his head.

A beautiful new red fire and a happy Alice hugs Paul while De Pinna watches on.

Photos - Act 1 Scene 1

Since we know so many people wanted to come to see our show and couldn't make it we thought we'd share these photos of our performance of You Can't Take It With You. There were so many great ones to choose from!

Essie wants to be a dancer!

De Pinna and Paul discussing their "new skyrocket" firework while Penny listens
"That's where we met!" - Fireworks conversations

Alice arrives home and tells us she's going out with Mr. Kirby
Mr. Henderson arrives but he's an "internal something or other"...not Mr. Kirby as expected
Not now Mr. Depinna, Grandpa's busy.
Will the real Mr. Kirby please stand up.
"I see you've all had time to get acquainted?" - Alice
Donald and Rheba getting ready for dinner
"The Monte Carlo ballet? It stinks!" - Mme. Kolenkhov.

A Big Thank YOU!

February 1st marked the closing show for the Creekside Players production of You Can't Take It With You. We are so thankful to all the people who came to see the show and supported us (the actors and crew) throughout!

To my fellow Creekside Players, I say thank you as well! You've all done a great job! Now, when can we start rehearsing the next one?
Christine Schreyer, co-director and Mme. Kolenkhov